The area code is typically the first set of digits people notice when they see a phone number. In the United States, each area code is assigned to a particular geographical location. The 808 area code is one such that has attracted a lot of interest recently. All you need to know about area code 808 will be covered in this post, including its location, time zone, background, industries, and scams.
Where is Area Code 808?
Area code 808 is assigned to the Pacific Ocean series of islands known as Hawaii. Hawaii is the 50th state in the nation and is situated more than 2,000 miles from the mainland. The area code 808 covers each of the states of Hawaii’s eight major islands.
What is Area Code 808?
Area code 808 is a North American telephone area code that was established in 1957. It is used for phone numbers in Hawaii and is assigned to the entire state. The area code covers both landline and mobile phone numbers in the state.
The Time Zone of Area Code 808
Hawaii uses Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), which is ten hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-10). So, at noon, Hawaii is only six hours behind New York City. It is crucial to keep this time difference in mind when making or receiving phone calls from Hawaii.
The History of Area Code 808
Area code 808 was the first area code created after the original area codes were established in 1947. It was created as a split from area code 415, which was serving the entire state of Hawaii at the time. The split was necessary due to the increasing demand for phone numbers in Hawaii. Since its establishment, area code 808 has remained the only area code assigned to the state.
The Industries of Area Code 808
How about the industries? Hawaii’s economy is heavily reliant on tourism due to the large number of visitors the islands receive each year. Other significant areas of the state’s economy include manufacturing, fishing, and agriculture. Because there are so many military installations scattered around the islands, the military also has a significant effect on Hawaii’s economy.
Is the 808 Area Code a Scam?
Like all area codes, area code 808 has been used for scams and frauds. One common scam that has been reported in Hawaii is the “808 scam,” where scammers call people and claim to be from the IRS or other government agencies. The scammers threaten the victims with legal action or arrest if they do not pay a sum of money. It is important to note that legitimate government agencies will never call people and demand payment over the phone.
In conclusion, area code 808 is the area code assigned to the entire state of Hawaii. It is located in the Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) time zone and has a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1957. Hawaii’s economy is heavily reliant on tourism, with other significant industries including agriculture, fishing, and manufacturing. While the area code has been used for scams, it is possible to block unwanted calls to avoid falling victim.
Some Spam Phone Numbers from Area Code 808
If you receive a call from a number that you do not recognize, you may want to look up the number to see if it has been reported as a spam or scam number. Some of the spam phone numbers associated with area code 808 include:
How to Block 808 Area Code Scam Calls?
Here are some steps you can take to block 808 area code scam calls:
Use call-blocking apps
It’s the easiest and the most effective to block scam calls and texts and robocalls via a call-blocking app like RealCall. It guards your phone against risky numbers and contacts. Apart from automatically blocking all unwanted calls behind the screen, RealCall also can filter necessary and normal calls based on the customized blocking rules set by you. Due to AI technology and machine learning, RealCall gives users the highest protection. The more you use it, the better it works for you.
Use built-in phone features
You can block calls from particular numbers or area codes using built-in functionality found on the majority of smartphones. For information on how to use these capabilities, check your phone’s settings or get in touch with your carrier.
Add your number to the National Do Not Call Registry
This registry is a free service that can help reduce the number of telemarketing calls you receive. You can add your number to the registry by visiting or calling 1-888-382-1222 from the phone number you want to register.
Be cautious with your personal information (that’s always what you need)
Personal information is frequently used by con artists to make their calls appear more trustworthy. When giving out personal information over the phone, such as your name, address, or social security number, be cautious.
Hang up and report the call
If you receive a scam call from the 808 area code, hang up immediately and report the call to the Federal Trade Commission at or 1-877-FTC-HELP.