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New Year, Old Scams, Watch Out!

As we enter the New Year, it’s important to remain vigilant and aware of the various scams that exist. Every year, scammers come up with new ways to try to take advantage of unsuspecting people, but some of the same old scams are still being used as well. From phishing emails to fake investments, it’s important to be aware of these common scams so you don’t become a victim. In this blog, we will discuss some of the most common scams to look out for in the New Year.

Why should you watch out for the old scams in the New Year?

Scammers never take a break, and that’s why it’s important to be aware of the various types of scams that could occur in the New Year. The internet is a dangerous playground for those who seek to scam unsuspecting individuals out of their money. Scams have been around since long before the internet was invented, and many of them are still in use today. Be smart when it comes to your money and your personal information, and don’t fall victim to an old scam in the New Year. Stay alert and stay safe!

Types of old scams you should watch out for

There are many common types of scams such as the Nigerian Prince Scam, Romance Scam, Fake Charity Scam, Tech Support Scam, Lottery Scam, and Free Trial Scam. Many of these scams rely on the fact that people do not know what to look out for, or how to protect themselves against them.

The Nigerian Prince Scam

The Nigerian Prince Scam is one of the oldest and most well-known scams out there. The basic premise of the scam is that a person claiming to be a Nigerian prince or another high-ranking official will contact you and offer to transfer millions of dollars into your bank account. All they ask in return is a small upfront fee, which they promise will be refunded after the money has been transferred. Unfortunately, this promise is always false, and victims end up losing the money they sent.

The scam has been around for decades and continues to thrive due to its success rate. While it may seem obvious that no one would ever fall for such a scam, victims are surprisingly common. This is because scammers often use convincing tactics, such as using official-looking emails and documents, as well as posing as important people in order to make the scam appear legitimate.

How to avoid being scammed?

It’s important to be aware of the Nigerian Prince Scam, especially during the new year when scammers tend to ramp up their activity. If you are ever contacted by someone offering you millions of dollars in exchange for a small fee, it is almost always a scam. Do not be fooled by official-looking emails or documents, and never provide any payment or personal information to anyone claiming to be a Nigerian prince or another high-ranking official.

The Romance Scam

Romance scams are a type of online fraud in which victims are targeted by individuals posing as potential romantic interests. The scammer creates an elaborate story of deception in order to convince their victim to send them money or give them access to personal information such as bank account numbers. In many cases, the scammer will claim to be living in another country and in need of financial assistance in order to travel to meet their victim.

Romance scams are unfortunately becoming increasingly common, especially as more people turn to online dating services and social media platforms in search of love and companionship. Victims of these scams can lose substantial amounts of money, as well as their emotional well-being.

How to avoid being scammed?

In order to protect yourself from falling victim to a romance scam, be sure to always remain wary of requests for money or personal information from someone you haven’t met in person. When meeting someone online, be sure to do plenty of research and don’t rush into things. Be sure to also keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior, such as requests for your banking information or suddenly changing their story. If something doesn’t seem right, trust your instincts and cut off all contact with the individual in question.

The Fake Charity Scam

It’s unfortunate that not all charities are legitimate, and scammers are taking advantage of people’s generosity. Fake charity scams typically involve a person or organization pretending to be a charitable cause when they are just looking to make a quick buck. Scammers will usually reach out by email, telephone, or even door-to-door. They will often use aggressive tactics to get you to donate money or goods, with promises of helping the needy or other noble causes. What’s worse is that these scammers sometimes use real charity names or images to try and fool people into believing they are legitimate. Always do your research and investigate any charity before donating money or goods. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

How to avoid being scammed?

Be especially cautious of anyone asking for payment via wire transfer, as this is nearly impossible to trace and recover. Fake charities are also known to use mail-in donation forms and prepaid cards, so avoid these methods if possible.

Always remember that no legitimate charity will pressure you into making a donation, so if someone does, then it’s likely a scammer. Finally, make sure to keep all your financial and personal information safe when dealing with charities – never give out bank account numbers, passwords, or other sensitive information.

The Tech Support Scam

Tech support scams are one of the most common types of scams out there. They often involve cold-calling people and pretending to be legitimate tech support companies. The scammers will then try to get victims to give them access to their computers, claiming that there is an issue with their system that needs to be addressed. Once they have access, they can install malicious software, steal personal information, or demand payment in exchange for services.

How to avoid being scammed?

It’s important to be aware of this type of scam so that you don’t fall victim to it. The best way to avoid it is by never giving access to your computer to any unsolicited callers. If you do receive a call like this, make sure you hang up immediately and contact your tech support company directly to see if they’re trying to get in touch with you.

If you think you’ve been a victim of this type of scam, make sure you contact your local authorities as soon as possible. They may be able to help you recover any money you’ve lost or any personal information that’s been stolen. It’s also important to run a full system scan with an updated security program in order to check for any malicious software that may have been installed on your computer.

The Lottery Scam

The lottery scam is one of the oldest scams out there, and unfortunately, it’s still alive and well in 2023. This type of fraud typically targets elderly people or those who are already struggling financially, and it works by convincing them that they have won a huge sum of money through an international lottery. However, before they can access their “winnings”, the victim must first send the fraudster a fee to cover “taxes” or “processing fees”. These fees will be kept by the scammer and the victim never sees any of the “winnings”.

To make the scam seem even more convincing, the fraudster may send a fake check to the victim for an amount of money that is less than the “winnings”. The victim is then told that this is to cover their taxes and fees, and they must send the remaining balance directly to the fraudster. Unfortunately, after the victim sends the money, they never hear from the scammer again.

How to avoid being scammed?

It’s important to remember that no legitimate lottery or sweepstakes require participants to pay anything in order to collect their winnings. If you ever receive an email or phone call telling you that you have won a lottery, be sure to do your research and make sure it’s legitimate before sending any money.

The Free Trial Scam

Have you ever been offered a free trial of a product or service, only to be charged an exorbitant fee afterward? Then you may have been a victim of the Free Trial Scam. This scam has been around for a while but continues to dupe unsuspecting victims who fall for the offer of a “free” trial.

The scam works by offering a free trial period to use a product or service but requires a credit card to sign up. Consumers are then billed automatically after the trial period ends, with no way to cancel the subscription. The amount charged can range from a few dollars to hundreds, depending on the product or service offered.

How to avoid being scammed?

To avoid being scammed by the Free Trial Scam, it is important to read all the fine print before signing up for a free trial. Make sure to understand all the terms and conditions of the trial period, including what will happen at the end of the trial period, and when payments are due. Additionally, research the company that is offering the free trial and make sure it is legitimate. Lastly, if a free trial seems too good to be true, it probably is – so proceed with caution.

Bottom Line

It’s important to be aware of the different scams, and it is also important to educate yourself on how to protect yourself from them. Stay informed about the latest scams by subscribing to online fraud alerts, reading up on news articles about scamming, and becoming familiar with the signs of a potential scam. In addition to being vigilant when using the internet and your financial information, equip yourself with the effective scam-blocking app RealCall.

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